2012 Free Agent Watch: Mike Gonzalez

Once the closer of the Pittsburgh Pirates, left-hander Mike Gonzalez has bounced around a little over the past few years of his career. After starting out with the Orioles last season he found himself on the Texas Rangers and cruised into a pennant title with them. He’s now a free agent and still very left-handed, both of which are good things.

Some would argue that Gonzalez’ best days are behind him but if what we saw in the playoffs is any indication of what is left in his tank it’s obvious that he can still pitch. The Sox are looking to bolster their left-handed relief core and Gonzalez would be a good fit in that mix.

Gonzalez could really use one thing: a good defense. He didn’t have that in Baltimore but he had it in Texas, Atlanta, and Pittsburgh. The Sox have one of the better and most overlooked defenses in the American League and they can get pitchers out of a lot of jams. Brent Morel, Alexei Ramirez, and Gordon Beckham are the new Joe Crede, Juan Uribe, and Tadahito Iguchi. In both defensive skill and roster spots, I guess. Our guys are pretty good.

So sign him already, gosh.

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