You can subscribe to Southside Showdown by “E-MAIL”

With how quickly everything becomes outmoded in the technology word (remember floppy disks?  Remember the disks that came before them that actually were floppy?) it’s amazing that “E-MAIL” has for the most part retained it’s utility since being invented by The Letter E back in the 90’s sometime or whenever.

Even here at Southside Showdown–where for all intents and purposes, we are living in the year 2017 and just relaying stuff back to you (Gordon Beckham gets into FlogoStomp music in 2015, to an insufferable degree.  You don’t know what FlogoStomp is? Ugh, just wait)–still use “E-MAIL.”  In fact, we offer “E-MAIL” as a means of subscribing to all of our posts, and have been doing so since….since it was fixed two days ago.

If you check out the box on the lower right rail of the Southside Showdown home page–below the Hub, and below an ad that may or may not be looped video of Derrick Rose eating Cheerios–you’ll see a banner that says “Subscribe to Southside Showdown.” What the hell could that mean?” you might ask.

This is where you subscribe to Southside Showdown…by “E-MAIL.”  Simply type in your email address and press the enter button, and a pop-up window will emerge asking you to confirm, and type in one of those “Prove you’re a human” codes.  After you’ve completed that, another confirmation is sent to your E-MAIL address.  Frankly, I don’t understand the need for the third degree.  I think I speak for Matt and Nick when I say “WELCOME, ROBOT TRAFFIC, MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME. THERE IS COOLANT IN THE KITCHEN, HELP YOURSELF.”

Of course, this is not the only way to be updated on every post on Southside Showdown. I only bring it up because the Feedburner E-MAIL service used to be broken, and I want to make sure that those who have tried it in the past and to know that it’s safe now. You can open your heart to Feedburner, and in turn, Feedburner will send you an email.

As far as other ways to have every post from Southside Showdown rushed to your cyber-doorstep, you can like the Southside Showdown Facebook page, which automatically loads every post and pops up in your newsfeed.  There’s also the Southside Showdown Twitter account (@SoxShowdown), which also automatically tweets out every post.  We like to have everything set up to work without our intervention, so that we’re guarded against a scenario where we wake up in the morning without any fingers.

Of course, the best solution would be following me (@JRFegan), Matt Adams (@2013WhiteSox), Nick Schaefer (@n_schaef), and Kevin Wallace (@kwallace23) on Twitter.  Only if you follow all four of us will you be able to see us talking to each other. It will be just like we’re all hanging out, chatting, with you….sitting there silently….watching us.

So do it, yeah!?
