When all is said and done, both seasons are the best I have studied so far. Hernandez scored a YMT of 105.54 in 2010 and a while a bit lower in 2014, it still came in at a sparkling 87.5. Looking at his YMA he posted a 3.1 in 2010 and a 2.57 four years later, which is far from anything to be ashamed of.
King Felix put up an outstanding YMP as well, however this is the one statistic that will show up in reverse. For the 2010 campaign, Hernandez put up a YMP of 61.8 percent and in 2014 he posted a 67.6 percent for the same category. That is why the MY-Dot and QY-Dot family is so valuable, because it exposes a lesser Magnum Start each and every time.
Speaking of MY-Dot, these two seasons produced some interesting results. Hernandez scored much better in 2010, as he recorded 19 percent of his Magnum Starts in the MPP department. Four years later that total was at zero percent, not to mention 56.5 percent of the time he qualified for a MS it only registered in the MMP category. That meant the remaining 2014 Magnum Starts were considered MPM (43.5 percent of them), therefore he failed to produce one elite start all season under the MSV realm.
Moving forward to QY-Dot, this is even more revealing in regards to what I have previously stated about lesser quality starts. Given there were 30 in 2010 and 27 in 2014 respectively, (which is nine and four greater than before) but those are staggering totals for quality starts in a season. King Felix posted a 16.7 percent in the YNP category for 2010, while 85.2 percent of Hernandez’s Magnum Starts in 2014 resulted in either HYP or OYP.
Before I wrap up, there is one correction that needs to be made to the Windy City article. Jake Arrieta’s 8/9/15 start should be scored a 2.5, which means his 3.64 total you see is incorrect. That reduces Arrieta’s MMT to 15.2 and his MMA a touch lower as well, with it dropping from 2.72 to 2.53 for August of 2015. Feel free to evaluate that total differently now, not that it actually does much to the story.
Next: Michael Kopech Has Solid Final Start of Season
All in all, this article is a lot to digest. The voluminous nature of MSV is going to make it difficult for many to understand, however each stat serves its individual purpose. You could say less is more in some instances, but MSV needs to cross-analyze itself in order to be successful. So prepare yourselves for more articles packed with substantial amounts of analysis in the near future. Until then, have fun digesting King Felix!