Chicago White Sox: Three throwback jerseys we want to see

(Photo by Nuccio DiNuzzo/Getty Images)
(Photo by Nuccio DiNuzzo/Getty Images) /
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Chicago White Sox Michael Kopech
(Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images) /

Uniform One

The Chicago White Sox used some awesome jerseys as their Sunday home jerseys in 2012. They can be described as the red pinstripe jerseys. The original form of these was worn by the White Sox from 1971-1975. They only wore them as Sunday home jerseys in 2012 which is a shame because they are very cool. The “winning ugly” jerseys replaced them on Sundays at home which is an okay replacement but it would be much better if they wore using both.

These jerseys are very unique because as far as pinstripes, the White Sox have mostly ever used black pinstripes on white jerseys. It has become a pretty unique color scheme to them as far as baseball teams but a flash of red is really cool every now and then. A lot of fans embraced this jersey in 2012 because of how cool it was.

If the White Sox ever busted these out again, fans would surely be happy to enjoy them and possibly even purchase them. The hat even had a uniqueness to it as the “SOX” on it was shaped a bit differently than it is on their normal black hats. This is totally a jersey that the White Sox need to bring back.