Chicago White Sox: Lucas Giolito’s comments are exciting

(Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)
(Photo by Dylan Buell/Getty Images)

The Chicago White Sox should be excited to hear what Lucas Giolito had to say.

The Chicago White Sox have such a sweet pitching rotation right now. It is one of the best in all of baseball and could be even better than we think if some of the younger players pan out to their potential. It has a three-headed monster that should be able to help the White Sox win a bunch of games. Lucas Giolito, Dallas Keuchel, and Lance Lynn are awesome pitchers that are going to form one of the best trios in the league.

Well, Giolito also has a bit of a personality as well. He likes to put himself out there and give insight into his life and things going on with the organization. His most recent example of this came in an interview with the new White Sox pitching coach, Ethan Katz. Katz and Giolito clearly have a great relationship as they have known each other for a long time now. Katz is one of the people who deserve credit for Giolito turning his career around and he was also his high school pitching coach.

Giolito was the interviewer and Katz was the interviewee so it was kind of a different perspective to Giolito. We are normally used to hearing him be the person that is being interviewed but not in this instant. He got to ask Katz some interesting questions but one of their most interesting conversations was about Lance Lynn. It is also the conversation that resulted in comments that should make fans so happy.

The topic of the Lance Lynn trade coming up brought some smiles to a lot of people who listened to this. Giolito told Katz about what he was doing when he found out and how excited he is to work with Lynn. He described all of the things that Lynn does that he wants to get better at in his MLB career. It is truly exciting to think about because Gilito getting better at pitching is a scary thought for the rest of the league.

It seemed like Katz shared the exact same excitement for Lynn’s arrival as Giolito which should make everyone so excited. For two awesome pitching minds like Katz and Gioltio to be that excited about a White Sox addition is great news. This is going to be a great rotation for a long time. Hopefully, Lynn’s tenure with the team lasts longer than one year.

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It is great to hear players on this team talk highly of each other. We only have a little while longer before we can start thinking about Spring Training but it is hard not to be excited about it. There is some great talent within this organization and everything starts and ends with players like Lucas Giolito.