Why the Chicago White Sox should select this prospect over Jac Caglianone

Jac Caglianone is a tremendously talented prospect, but playing first base and probably taking all the allotted money in the draft slot does not make him an ideal choice.
Lauren Witte/Clarion Ledger / USA TODAY
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There is a problem with drafting Caglianone and it is pretty straightforward--he plays first base.

You can find a power-hitting first baseman pretty easily these days. Drafting a first baseman that high in the draft is like drafting a running back in the NFL that high. You can probably find a masher of first baseman later in the draft or in the international free-agent market.

It is just not a good process.

Before you argue who cares about process, realize one of the many reasons the Sox are historically bad right now is because the previous front office leadership team had a terrible player selection process.

Think about how the rebuild last decade washed out. They took a high-floor, hardly any ceiling prospect in Nick Madrigal and then you should be reminded Andrew Vaughn also raked in college and has been nothing more than a replacement-level player.

First basemen also do not provide any defensive value. The main defensive goal at first base is to catch the ball and make a scoop catch if need be. There is no real need for athleticism and if the player busts at the simple defensive prerequisites of the job, there are not many places to put that player except DH.

The Sox have to hit on this pick as they will not be selecting in the top nine next season no matter how historically bad the record they finish with is. The Sox must leave with a foundational player and in today's game, first base is no longer a foundational position.

Catcher, pitcher, shortstop, and centerfielder are the foundation of any good franchise. The athletic profile and positional versatility of catcher, shortstop, and centerfielder allow a better chance to get value out of a player both offensively and defensively. Adding pitching is pretty self-explanatory.
