Bobby Thigpen..."/> Bobby Thigpen..."/>

New Look with Old Faces for Coaching Staff


The Birmingham Barons are down a pitching coach. Bobby Thigpen, he of 57 save fame*, and the former occupant of that position will now become the bullpen coach for the White Sox.

*It’s funny, I kind of recall Thigpen cutting it close on many of his saves, but as I look at the above link he gave up 1 total run in those 57 saves. Go figure.

Further coaching changes include Daryl Boston becoming the new first base coach. Boston was acting as defensive coordinator last season, but mostly was just a dude that would pop his head out of the dugout and make me go, “hey, that’s Daryl Boston!” from time to time.

Harold Baines will honor Boston’s right to stand by himself in the first base coaches box by accepting a new role as the assistant hitting coach. No word yet on if the whole team will adopt exaggerated timing steps in their swings.