White Sox: Direction Should Become Clearer Soon

If the White Sox have a direction in mind, they’re not sharing it with anyone. However, the organization’s direction should become clear within the next several weeks, as the playoffs wind down.

The Chicago White Sox talked a lot about direction this offseason. Despite the reports, general manager Rick Hahn and executive vice president Ken Williams are on the same page. And soon, fans will know what direction this team intends to go in. All we can hope is it produces better results than four straight losing seasons.

I have my doubts about whether or not this team will finally pick a direction. It seems they talk about improving the team, but then decide to not spend in free agency. Then they are open to trading any and all players, and they fail to make a move at the trade deadline. It’s the same old song and dance on the South Side. And each and every season, we the fans suffer and have to watch bad baseball night in and night out.

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However, this offseason is different. They have a new manager and by all accounts, Robin Ventura’s exit was his own choice. Or that’s what they wanted you to think. Early reports suggested the Sox wanted to save him the embarrassment of being fired. So they dolled up a story about leaving the decision up to him. What this team failed to realize is that just made them look like a bunch of clowns. Now, they have no choice but to make their direction known. Otherwise, they’ll lose the fans and this front office will be the laughing stock of the league.

That’s the biggest difference between this offseason and previous ones. This team has made headlines numerous times throughout the season. And it was never for a good reason. Whether it was the drama with Adam LaRoche, Chris Sale cutting up jerseys or Williams and Hahn not agreeing on a course of action, they have shown to be in a state of turmoil.

It will be up to the front office to right the ship and prove to the fans they can indeed lead this team in the right direction. Williams is working on borrowed time. The fact is he hasn’t done anything to help this team since his big promotion. And he’s still clinging to that 2005 World Series, like it’s his ‘get out of jail’ card.  But the fact remains sports is a what have you done for me lately type of business. If this trend continues, that time will run out, and Williams will be looking for a new job.

The Sox need to get this offseason right or they will lose more than just fans, they’ll lose the respect of the entire league. The front office has looked terrible this entire season and it’s only a matter of time before a certain owner gets fed up and makes changes. While that doesn’t seem likely, take this into consideration.

Next: White Sox Failed to Trade Shields for Puig

Jerry Reinsdorf hates the Cubs. It’s really no secret. He hates them so much he supposedly said “how’d the Cubs do today” when the Sox won the World Series. The Cubs have a phenomenal team now and the Sox are nowhere near as talented. This probably has Reinsdorf burning up inside and he won’t stand for his team being worse than the Cubs. Alas, maybe that will give this organization the kick they need to pick a direction and turn this ship around.