FanSided 250: Chicago White Sox leads A.L. Central

(Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn/Minnesota Twins/Getty Images)
(Photo by Brace Hemmelgarn/Minnesota Twins/Getty Images) /

The Chicago White Sox have the best fans in the AL Central, according to FanSided 250.

On the FanSided 250 fanbase ranking, the Chicago White Sox were given a lot of respect. They were ranked as the 63rd best fanbase in all of entertainment. That is good for the 7th best rank in all of Major League Baseball. The White Sox managed to land ahead of the Chicago Cubs to own their own city which is really nice. It doesn’t stop there, either, as they also were named to have the best fanbase in the entire American League Central.

The Minnesota Twins were the next division rival as they were the 8th ranked MLB team, 71st overall. The Twins won the division this year but barely. It is clear that the team from the bigger and better city has the most passionate fans and it is only going to get worse. The White Sox are on the rise and the Twins are treading at a steady pace. They are by no means going to be bad in 2021 but they certainly have a chance to fall below the White Sox in the standings.

The next AL Central team on the list is the Cleveland Indians. They are listed as the 112th best fanbase which is good for 12th in Major League Baseball. Cleveland is still a very good baseball team but all signs point to them falling off. With that said, they develop pitching better than anybody so that could always keep them in the mix. Their fans will always be pretty good and supportive of their team but the White Sox just have their number in every way right now.

That is it for the American League Central this year. The Detroit Tigers and Kansas City Royals didn’t crack the top 250 but they have some things to be excited about. The Tigers, of any team in the division, have the best chance of dethroning the White Sox in the next five years. They are doing well with their rebuild and should be good in no time.

The Royals have a bit more work to do but their football team, the Kansas City Chiefs, has a lot of love near the top of the list. They are also the defending Super Bowl champions and have a good chance to repeat this year. Things are okay in the sports world down there right now and should be for a while.

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As for the White Sox, it is good to see this fanbase at the top of the division. That means that they are passionate and that the team is doing well. Success always leads to positive fan levels which is clearly happening on the South Side. At this point, we should aim to catch the New York Yankees fans in 2021.